
Sound-Clip Dadaist Mash Ups

Here are two free albums of enjoyable, absurd, sound-clip mash ups for your lazy afternoon pleasure.

Billy and the Beatniks - Sprungfelt
First is 'Sprungfelt' by Billy and the Beatniks released through the now dead synestheticmusic net label. All sounds on the album are ripped from episodes from The Simpsons. Witty and brief.

Download the album through Last.fm here.

Animals Within Animals - Macho EP
'Macho', if you didn't get that already.
This next batch of radical strange sound comes from Animals Within Animals, a "a musical supergroup consisting of whoever wants to be in the band at the time." Their EP, 'Macho', is a musical tribute to the late professional wrestler 'Macho Man' Randy Savage. My favorite track is absolutely Beef + Spice.

Download the album from Bad Taste Music Exchange here.


Panasonic "Glider" Commercial, 1981

Noteworthy Albums of No Renown #4: Zelophilia - Lust, Loathing, and Love

Artist: Zelophilia
Album: Lust, Loathing, & Love
Year: 2011
Label: Noydian Records

The video above is the official press release from Noydian Records for Lust, Loathing, & Love. I appreciate a band that makes fun of themselves and their potential fans.

I don't remember where I came across Zelophilia for the first time (thank you unfortunately forgotten blog!), but they definitely rekindled my appreciation for Patton-esque metal a couple of months ago.

LL&L is full of raw frustration and angry, sexual energy.  Dancing in Bloody Leather is probably my favorite track on the release and is a great introduction to Zelophilia's sound. The breakdown at 1:30 in Deconstruction evokes an almost road-rage level of pent-up aggression. The Fornicator's Suicide Note is a fantastic display of the vocalists melodramatic flair and range, audibly representing the depressing consequences of uncontrollable human urge.

The general song and album structure of LL&L remains interesting, unexpected, and keeps the listener off-kilter without feeling forced - a common problem I find with bands that try to capture a sound like this. In addition, this album is also fantastically produced.

And remember: you can stream/download Lust, Loathing, & Love for free through Zelophilia's bandcamp site. The album is definitely worth tossing a few dollars at, however.

For fans of: Hunab Ku, Cephalic Carnage, and everyone else named in the promotional video.

Support Good Radio: My Castle of Quiet and In Place of Dreary Patterns

Being a former college radio DJ ('The Uncomfortable Hours' on the forever-overshadowed-by-KEXP Rainydawg Radio), I have a great appreciation for independently minded radio. The two shows below are fantastic examples of innovative, non-standard radio:

For any of you horror film and audio fanatics, I would highly recommend checking out Wm. Berger's blog and show "My Castle of Quiet" from WFMU in Jersey City, NJ. Host Wm. Berger (formerly of the band Uncle Wiggly) provides a great mix of dark, avant (black) metal and noise that never fails to introduce me to a handful of artists and projects. There are also special 'live performance' episodes, most recently involving the psychotically angry outfit Wretched Worst. You can catch the show live on Thursdays at 9:00PM Pacific time, or stream/download the past episodes. I would recommend the live show, however, as there is a live message board with each episode that can get pretty entertaining.

The next show is "In Place of Dreary Patterns" from the great KAOS radio in Olympia, WA. Host Josh Landry (an eclectic and interesting musician in his own right) explains the show best in his own words: "I play a mix of mind-expanding electronic music including ambient, industrial, chillout, unconventional dance music, avant garde and surrealism. I try to make it all flow as a complete experience and to be unified in mood, somehow. That mood can change from show to show." The show is on Monday's from 11:00PM to 1:00AM Pacific time, and though I can't seem to find any playlist charts, you can check out Landry's very interesting personal releases (free download) under many different monikers on the show's official site. I would personally recommend the recent release 'Encimers' under the name Nymphomania.

If you know of a radio show worth spreading, send me the information.


Follow Up: Ramblings on Music Videos / Black Mass Rising

I've been digging deeper into music video projects and discovered the Black Mass Rising Society - who create feature length, music compilation art films that are stylistically right up my ally. Everything about this project, from the bands to branding, exudes a foreboding enchantment that has completely won me over. 

I have not seen the full feature, but I will be putting my order in soon so updates to come.